
Cat Mountain Learn more about Cat Mountain

  • Black cat butterfly spring orchid

    Black cat butterfly spring orchid

    Around 1990, when Lu Jianjun went up the mountain to pick orchids in Zhoushan, he found it. The leaf shape is oblique, the leaf groove is deep, the leaf quality is thick and hard, the leaf color is dark green and glossy, the leaf edge tooth is thick, the plant shape is Wenxiu. The bud has a light green background, thin purple tendons, pink and purple clouds, and a green tip. Pedicel slender, high flush leaf frame. Outer three-petal bamboo petal, main petal slightly angled, holding.

  • White cat butterfly spring orchid

    White cat butterfly spring orchid

    Zhejiang Xinchang orchid friend Pan Haiming mountain mining. The outer three lotus-shaped bamboo leaves, the color is bright green, the angle is symmetrical, the inner butterfly is complete, and the middle fold is obviously raised, but what is different from the general core disc is that its inner background is white-green, with a pair of purplish red spots on it. At that time, some orchid friends got Pan Haiming's consent to name it ".

  • How many levels of protected animals are leopard cats?

    How many levels of protected animals are leopard cats?

    The size of the leopard cat is similar to that of the ordinary domestic cat, and the fur is more colorful. The leopard cat in the south is yellow and the northern cat is silver gray. The chest and abdomen are white. The spots of leopard cats are usually black. Leopard cats are not common, or state-protected animals, so leopards

    2020-11-11 Leopard cat yes several levels protection animal leopard cat body size and
  • What does cat shit look like? Why can I make coffee? Why is it so expensive? How much is the price per jin?

    What does cat shit look like? Why can I make coffee? Why is it so expensive? How much is the price per jin?

    Cat poop is cat droppings. And in the coffee market, caffeine made from cat droppings is delicious and has become a hot item in the international market. So what does cat shit look like? Why can I make coffee? Why is it so expensive? How much is the price per jin? From Changsha coffee

    2020-11-11 Cat shit what does it look like why can to do coffee it
  • How to plant the latest cat claw grass

    How to plant the latest cat claw grass

    Cat claw is an annual herb of Ranunculaceae, and it is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Its underground tuber is the main part of medicine. At present, cat claw grass is mainly distributed in Guangxi, Taiwan, Zhejiang, South China, Hubei and other places, but the yield is not.

    2020-11-10 The latest cat claws grass how good planting yes Ranunculaceae
  • Planting technique of cat shit melon

    Planting technique of cat shit melon

    Planting technique of cat shit melon

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of cat dung melon

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of cat dung melon

    Cat dung melon is a kind of wild economic plant with great development value, also known as cat shit, ghost finger, cat shit tube, etc., it is a deciduous shrub plant of the genus Mutong family, because its fruit is blue-purple, juicy and shaped like cat shit, so it is commonly known as cat.

    2020-11-10 The latest cat shit melon planting technology methods tutorials
  • When will Elvis mature?

    When will Elvis mature?

    Elvis Presley generally matures for the first time from mid-late June to mid-August and for the second time from mid-November to mid-January. Of course, due to the different weather and producing areas, its maturity will be advanced or delayed. So what's the difference between it and ordinary durian? cat

    2020-11-09 Cat Mountain King when mature General
  • The sun is flying and the spring orchid is flying

    The sun is flying and the spring orchid is flying

    Orchids Description: This flower crystal clear, jade color for the integration of green gold red, holding green yellow petals, wide round, cat ears (backward roll of cat ears), in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea has a broad market. So far, the number is not much, about 40 seedlings. Orchid history: 2001 downhill, 2002 total purchase of three seedlings, there are dragons...

  • Jade toad spring orchid

    Jade toad spring orchid

    The jade toad came down the mountain in Nongling, Guangxi in the spring of 1994. It is the clumsy Ma Zhengqi of the Lanjia family in Kunming, Yunnan Province. It is now cultivated by Ma Zhengqi, Liu Zhonggui, Zhang Yujing, Zhang Hui, Dong Weimin and others. Jade toad, lily petal, floating belt, bright color, outer three-petal emerald color, cat ear holding, as big as tongue, red in yellow, the white of this flower.

  • How do tigers spend the winter?

    How do tigers spend the winter?

    Tiger is a large cat, very strong and powerful, and it is a typical mountain forest animal, ranging from tropical rain forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest in the south to deciduous broad-leaved forest and coniferous broad-leaved mixed forest in the north. There are more than ten subspecies in all parts of the world.

    2020-11-11 Tiger how winter tiger yes large cat animal ten
  • What does a wild snow leopard look like in Siguniang Mountain? Is it protecting animals? How many are left?

    What does a wild snow leopard look like in Siguniang Mountain? Is it protecting animals? How many are left?

    Snow leopard, also known as grass leopard, moxa leopard, lotus leopard, horse fever, is an important large cat carnivore. Recently, the news that four girls photographed wild snow leopards in the mountains has aroused widespread concern. What does it look like? Is it protecting animals? How many are left in the wild?

    2020-11-11 Fourth Guniang Mountain wild snow leopard long what appearance yes protection
  • Efficient planting and Management techniques of Alfalfa in South China

    Efficient planting and Management techniques of Alfalfa in South China

    At present, the development of alfalfa production in southern China is of great significance in promoting the development of green animal products in animal husbandry, meeting market demand, increasing economic benefits of animal husbandry and increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen.

  • How do you grow cat mint? Talking about the cultivation and management skills of cat mint

    How do you grow cat mint? Talking about the cultivation and management skills of cat mint

    Cat mint is one of many flower varieties, but what is different is that in addition to high ornamental value, it can also attract cats to eat, which is also the source of its name. According to the editor, the survival rate of cat mint planting is low. If you want to plant well, you need to have excellent planting skills.

  • How to choose the seeds of dwarf trees? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose the seeds of dwarf trees? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    I don't know if you have ever seen a dwarf berry tree. Because its fruit looks like cat shit, it is also called cat shit melon, cat shit and so on. You may think it is not delicious when you hear this name, but in fact, it tastes good and has certain medicinal effects. The dwarf tree seed

    2020-11-27 Dwarf tree seed how select raise seedlings method have which
  • How to select blue burnt fruit seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to select blue burnt fruit seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Lanjiao fruit is also called cat shit melon, its fruit is more juicy after it is ripe, because it looks like cat shit, so it is also called cat shit melon. Blue burnt fruit tastes delicious and is rich in nutritional value. Many people buy it and eat it. Of course, there are also farmers themselves.

    2020-11-27 Blue coke fruit seed how selection seedling method have which
  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • Jinsha spring orchid

    Jinsha spring orchid

    In 2006, Taiping Township, Jinsha County, Guizhou Province went down the mountain. Tall leaves, thick waxy leaves, big flowers, cat cups, strong fragrance, atmosphere, flowers and leaves are more coordinated.

  • Giant panda Rui Die Chunlan

    Giant panda Rui Die Chunlan

    In 1991, Fuyang, Zhejiang Province went down the mountain, and Pandalin was selected in Hangzhou. The leaf posture is half-drooping and the leaf is glutinous and thick. The outer three petals are broad and thick in shape, and the butterfly flowers are round and large. Cat ears, white-green bottom purplish red block, the upper part has three purple-red bars, holding edge inlaid with white edge, lotus butterfly, colorful, pure aroma, regular flowers (stable compound flowers.

  • Rainbow lily spring sword

    Rainbow lily spring sword

    Spring sword under the mountain grass, for this garden spring sword lily medium color best variety, in the spring sword lily medium color is good almost none, with cat's eye, comparable to the spring orchid stone dragon queen, the complex color is peach red complex color, the color is very bright, quite beautiful, the flower color is tender.
